Yoga Newclip | Simple Yoga Exercises for Beginners

Yoga Exercises for Beginners

Yoga is a physical exercise discipline that enhances health, originating from India. It involves a practice method that combines both the mind and body simultaneously, requiring practitioners to be persistent with each exercise. [read_more id=”3″ more=”read more” less=”Thu gọn”]

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

The bridge pose is one of the useful home yoga exercises that helps treat thyroid-related diseases, improves back and neck pain, and addresses nerve issues while stretching the abdominal muscles. To perform this pose, follow these instructions:

Lie on your back on the floor, then bend your legs so that your thighs and calves form a 90-degree angle. Slowly and gently lift your hips and pelvis, then raise your back and shoulders off the floor, with your arms extended along your body. Hold this position for about 10 breaths, then exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 10 times.

Half Cobra Pose (Ardha Bhujangasana)

This exercise provides many health benefits, helping to relax and stretch the abdominal, chest, and front thigh muscles. It strengthens the spine, stimulates the process of belly fat reduction, supports the digestive system, reduces stress, and improves blood circulation. To perform this pose, follow these instructions: First, lie face down, relaxing your body on the floor, with your hands beside your ribs and legs extended with toes pointed. Take a deep breath, then slowly lift your chest, arching your back as deeply as possible while looking up at the ceiling. Simultaneously, tuck in your abdomen and tighten your glutes. Hold this position for 10 breaths, then slowly relax and return to the starting position. Repeat this movement 10 times.

Yoga Exercises for Beginners

Simple Yoga Exercises for Beginners
Simple Yoga Exercises for Beginners



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